Packet Plan9

Ninth generation packet radio? Where's that other page hiding???

To Do

  • First steps - Web Host as client


  • Messaging
  • Microblogging
  • DB sharing

Everybody is a Signal mapper - home and mobile

From the blog last year - IS only notes.

At much discussion and debate on the International APRSSIG it's been decided to move ahead with the next generation APRS Internet Infrastructure. Some core changes will improve system security, stimulate development of Amateur Radio tools and discourage reliance on Internet Connected Land-Line technologies.

First new core concept is that there will no longer be any non-RF activity allowed to be directly submitted to the APRS-IS2. If it's on the list - it will come from RF.

Second change is a new signed and accepted by a Web-Of-Trust agent will be the only tool allowed to inject traffic to the APRS-IS2. This new tool will be developed and implemented as soon as possible.

Third, some exposure to the magic of the Amateur Realm for non Hams and Internet connected stations is a good thing. This Read-Only technology will be preserved with the old applications but it will be limited to one random packet per minute. This will be a sample of what's available and folks that want more can get it on RF.

Once this is in place we can move on with new smarter systems and Ham Users will never again need to do 'paths'

Onward to the Beyond!

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